“There should be a place where only the things you want to happen, happen.”- Sendak
Yesterday was the 4th time I’ve been asked to do a painting for the war. It wasnt an inquiry. It was a “please do this” request. When asked to paint for this cause I’ve offered to donate prints. There are ways I support those affected that have nothing to do with art. I dont feel compelled to do any virtue signaling by saying Ive done xyz instead. I said this on my story, I’ve been avoiding directly commenting about it as this is going to fire up many of you. I’ve painted my whole life. I started again in earnest in 2019 and more seriously in 2020. Where it really came from is when my dad recognized the nebula collapse of my life that happens every now and again and suggested I get back to painting I was in a space where everything I knew was completely falling apart and I had to get reacquainted with who I was, process what I’d been through, and learn the language of painting - and develop my own vocabulary to say what I wanted. A big part of this was being alone in my studio. Even though it was scary to face some of those monsters I’d been running from, it saved my life. I never want to bring politics, religion, war or anything divisive into my studio. My art / studio are where I go to get away from the chaos around me. These are the internal and external spaces that enable my creativity. I don’t turn on the news unless I’m driving to work. I get overwhelmed by the constant violence in the headlines. As a nurse practitioner and former RN, I’m still haunted by what I saw in acute care. I’ve recognized that reducing life clutter and distractions let me find stillness. I need to preserve the safety of my space for creativity. I live where I paint. It’s difficult to understand if you have a studio OUTSIDE the home or don’t create. I live in a small studio apartment. There is no separation from art and life outside the the clinic where I work full time. If you aren’t seeing what you want here, please unfollow my journey. You curate your experience here. Support what you believe in, and allow others grace to do the same. Comments are closed.
AuthorAliza and Her Monsters Archives
October 2022
CategoriesAll 2020 2021 Art Journey Art Marketing Business Oil Painting Series Studio Life Thoughts |
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