Dog Portrait Commissions
Currently accepting oil painting commissions, please use contact form below for details.
Please indicate:
-Size: 8x10" , 10x10", 11x14", 12x16", 16x20"*, (or custom)
-Color preferences
*This is the size I'd recommend for most breeds
Additional information:
Please be prepared to provide 3-5 (or more!) high quality photo references.
No deposit needed. Price includes insured shipping.Payment accepted via Paypal or Stripe.
You will receive an e-mail invoice when your painting is varnished and ready to ship.
-Size: 8x10" , 10x10", 11x14", 12x16", 16x20"*, (or custom)
-Color preferences
*This is the size I'd recommend for most breeds
Additional information:
Please be prepared to provide 3-5 (or more!) high quality photo references.
No deposit needed. Price includes insured shipping.Payment accepted via Paypal or Stripe.
You will receive an e-mail invoice when your painting is varnished and ready to ship.
Send questions regarding commissions/original works displayed in website portfolio / instagram using the form below. I answer inquiries via instagram direct message as well.