4/8/2022 The Week Ruth Sold
Ruth. Oil on canvas 30x40”. Congratulations to @colegallery , original is SOLD❗️ Limited Edition prints, signed with COA available directly from alizaandhermonsters.com I’m often asked where the name “Ruth” came from. ✨Here’s the original caption explaining the title: People who say they don’t need anybody went through a lot of things alone. A lot of things broke my heart but fixed my vision. I read somewhere that a piece of art that speaks to you can open windows in a room you hadn’t even known was dark. I had posted this piece initially to my personal social media account and it really resonated with the person this piece is named after. She asked me what her name was, the tiger. She hoped it was something fierce, independent and sexy to fit her vibe. I know these creatures in my heart and soul.Truth be told, I never name them until someone needs one. I cannot tell you how much it means to artists to hear someone relate to your work. It really is everything. I knew in a second what the tiger’s name was. I answered Ruth’s inquiry promptly, posting this piece with its proper title. 💖 I considered copying some of what she had written to me about what this piece meant to her, but I actually think it is better if you look at it and take away whatever is there for you. This piece is definitely one of my precious babies, as are most of my tigers. If you know, you know. “Art is restoration: the idea is to repair the damages that are inflicted in life, to make something that is fragmented – which is what fear and anxiety do to a person – into something whole.” L. Bourgeois Everything I paint is a small part of me. But, Ruth was one of those pieces that helped me understand art is an effort toward wholeness, both for the creator and the viewer. It’s bittersweet to see her sell. When my work sells through the gallery I never know where they end up but I trust she found the most perfect home. Ink by @horijefe, last photo by @somerrunner Comments are closed.
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