6/12/2020 Kill your darlings18x18” oil on board
.🐅. . There’s this idea in art that centers around “killing your darlings’. Basically, this means you can totally destroy a painting by falling in love with a corner of it and struggling to keep it, failing to see that corner has somehow taught you a lesson and you can actually move on now. . As life goes on what I see in my work is that you tend to see the last couple days of work and whether that painting was 3 days or 3 months in the making, I can’t keep any one thing; it’s a constant dance of energy and movement that all has to work together, something I painted 3 weeks ago will never work with what I’m doing today. . I find the day to day changes a painting goes through quite interesting and while some people might balk at putting unfinished work out into the world as work in progress posts, I have come to love seeing other’s process instead of just the end result. . . . ✌🏻. . As much as I wasn’t happy with this one, it’s a pretty dang honest reflection of this baseline restlessness I carry around at all times. So For now he will stay out of the trash... Comments are closed.
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October 2022
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